Why Swim Upstream??

Swimming_Upstream_Salmon (2).jpg

So how exactly are we different? Why should you choose us? Perhaps we should explore the “Why” and “How”.

Why Change?

Ask yourself this question.. “Who does your advisor work for?” Do they act on your best interests? It may surprise you to know that most advisors simply have to meet a “suitability” requirement when selling you on an investment. This puts your interests and theirs in direct conflict because of the fees and commissions offered to advisors for getting you into the funds that pay them the most!

Video Break: CBC Marketplace; Show Me The Money

Trouble with Investment Advisors

“industry executives admit that trailer fees exist only to encourage brokers to sell their products. “If it doesn’t pay a trailing commission, it doesn’t make it onto [a broker’s] product shelf..”

“The more an adviser brings in, the bigger his or her slice of the pie becomes..”

“Fund companies can remunerate advisers so generously because Canadians cough up some of the highest mutual fund fees in the world”

So far we can see that you’re paying more for the “traditional” approach.. I guess we should expect great performance??

CNBC 8 of 10 Advisors Underpeforming the S&P!

With 80 percent underperforming vs. the more normal 73 percent..So to review, 8 of 10 advisors simply cannot match the index performance.. (Apparently the norm is to have 7.3 advisors not match the index!)

Let’s take a break and reflect on that insightful piece of information. Does that provide you any comfort? Why can’t these educated, trained men and women of the financial industry even match the index? Put into another context.. If matching the index is like landing an aircraft safely, 8 of 10 advisors crash and burn! At MoneyUpstream our partnership is focused solely on your success. We want to empower and enable the financial success you deserve. Our discussion on benchmarking starts you on the path to finding the answer. (remember we offer the opportunity to review and discuss your performance at no cost)


Before we move forward let’s review two key concepts.

1) What is an Index?

2) What is an ETF?

How we’re different..

This can be broken down into three key areas. I’d like to explore each to provide you with some more detail.

Partnership: Our goal is to empower you to take back control of your financial future. We do this in some pretty unique ways, let’s explore a few;

1) Commitment to Shared Values: You’ve likely read our values. In everything we do you’ll find our actions are grounded in these values.

2) Empowering our Clients: We’re here to see you succeed. Need some evidence? We want you to open your very own trading accounts. Naturally we’ll help you identify the best institution for your situation but fundamentally this is about taking back control and providing the transparency you deserve.


We do not hold ourselves to a lower standard. In all our actions we’ll remain committed to your success. We believe that in order to achieve the success you deserve in the future requires taking the right steps today and every day going forward. Therefore, mutual funds and under performing advisors are not part of your financial future.


Our simple annual coaching fee is based on the Assets Under Coaching. If you have under $100,000 in your accounts our fee is $1,000 for the year. If you have over $100,000 in your accounts our fee is $2,000 for the year. What do you get for the year??

Money Management: Through our 1:1 coaching, emails and oral communication, MoneyUpstream Coaching provides our clients with advice and support in the following areas;

Budget planning and monthly support: help chart a course on our 3 degrees of Financial Freedom roadmap.

Money Saving Advice: From time to time share best practices with clients in order to improve how Clients spend their money

1:1 Coaching (education): An opportunity to have unbiased, and impartial advice on a wide range of financial matters. (ex buying a car, paying down the mortgage or contributing to an RRSP etc)

General Investment Advice: MoneyUpstream Coaching Inc. from time to time will share with its Clients general investment advice for their sole consideration and benefit. No attempt is made to tailor the recommendations to any Clients specific accounts or situation. Throughout our partnership the clients investments and holdings remain in their personal accounts. Together we’ll take back control of your financial future.

Next Steps

At MoneyUpstream Coaching we work together to empower you to take control of your future. Our values guide our actions and together we’ll ensure that you’re taking the right steps today for the future financial success you deserve.


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Is the TFSA for me??

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