

This will become your tipping point.. I know this because it was mine. The only way to know for sure how you’re doing is to compare the performance you’ve already achieved against that of the market for the same time period. At MoneyUpstream we feel so strongly in this process that we undertake this review at no cost to you. In addition we’ll have a simple discussion to review what it all means. Our goal is to answer the question that’s in the back of your mind. Success in the future depends on doing the right things today.

YOUR PERFORMANCE: The first step..
For our clients this piece of information typically comes in one of two forms:

1) A mailed statement from your current advisor/firm that shows your investments performance. save that paper :-). This will typically be either a quarterly or annual statement.

2) A screenshot of their individual investment accounts: The image needs to show the total investment holdings and their performance.

This information on the performance of your investments is the starting point for our comparisons.

THE BENCHMARK: We believe you need to compare your performance against that of the top companies in the United States. Why accept performance that’s below this standard? Too often that’s exactly what’s happening with your money. Why would you pay for performance that does not achieve this standard?

S&P Index 1 Year (Aug).. Total return 18%

S&P Index 3 Year (Aug).. Total return 68%

S&P Index 5 Year (Aug).. Total return 97%

Illustrating the point.. when you gave $10,000 to your advisor 3 years ago is that now worth approximately $16,800? Had you started with the same amount 5 years ago is it now worth essentially double?

Next Steps

Unfortunately the investment industry and its advisors make more money selling products that are not always aligned to serve your best interest. We’re willing to review your performance at no cost to you. Our goal is to ensure you’re taking the right steps today. Through our partnership and commitment to our values we can take back control of your financial future.

Let’s get started..


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Why Swim Upstream??

So how exactly are we different? Why should you choose us? Perhaps we should explore the “Why” and “How”. Why Change? Ask yourself this question.. “Who does your advisor work for?” Do they act on your best interests? It may surprise you... Continue →